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CultureAID (Culture Active in Disasters) is a collaborative network of stakeholders and service providers committed to strengthening New York City’s cultural community – including artists and organizations – before, during, and after disasters through an organized communications system as well as coordinated activities and services to the field.
Download the CultureAID briefing here.
CultureAID will strive to achieve its purpose of supporting the arts and cultural sector primarily by:
- Encouraging disaster preparedness;
- Sharing information about available resources in time of disaster;
- Helping assess disaster impact;
- Communicating with national stakeholders, press, and funders on disaster impact; and
- Promoting the role of the arts and culture in disaster recovery
CultureAID was founded through a collaborative working process spearheaded by the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) and FEMA’s Sandy Recover Office, with a group of cultural service organizations whose missions broadly serve the entire City of New York. Together, the group now serves as CultureAID’s Steering Committee, and will work to maintain relationships with the national arts sector and emergency management agencies, and provide resources and updated disaster-related information to the field. To the extent possible, CultureAID will continue to work in partnership with the FEMA Natural and Cultural Resource Recovery Support team in the NY Sandy Recovery Office.
Steering Committee Member Organizations
- The Actors Fund
- Alliance for Response
- Alliance of Resident Theaters/New York
- Asian American Arts Alliance
- Bronx Council on the Arts
- Brooklyn Arts Council
- Dance/NYC
- Lawyers Alliance for New York
- Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
- NYC Department of Cultural Affairs
- Humanities New York
- New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA)
- Staten Island Arts
The CultureAID Network development process was funded in part by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
CultureAID logo design by Tattfoo Tan.